Not everyone has the time to run to the salon when they need a quick blowout. Here are four easy steps that will help you achieve that salon look blowout while saving time and money.
- Towel dry hair, removing as much moisture as possible (Before blowdrying make sure to spray a leave in conditioner to help protect the hair from the heat, try Tomy B. Leave-In). Remove the nozzle from your blowdry and blast high to medium heat on the roots while lifting and raking your fingers through the hair roots to ends, following the motions with the dryer until mostly dry. For even more body, sweep the hair from side to side of your head.
- Take a comb and make a horizontal part two inches back from your hairline and clip it up (basically your entire crown area). Reattach nozzle onto dryer, with a round brush, brush out ends in three sections (One section in the back and one section on each side of your head). Wrap ends around the brush using your thumb to secure the hair in place on the brush. Roll the brush up and down with hair still wrapped on the brush, follow these motions with the dryer with nozzle pointing down. Complete all three sections, if a piece is out of place or not completely dry don't be afraid to go back over it with the brush and dryer again.
- Unclip the hair, position the brush under the hair and pull each section (start sections from front) straight up. When you reach the roots wrap the hair around the brush and roll back down to the scalp, hold for a few seconds and then unroll. Repeat until dry.
- To finish blast the hair with a cool setting away from the face. Let the hair fall naturally back into place. Finally smoothing with a drop of serum or mist of hairspray, try Tomy B. Control mist for a light flexible hold.
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